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Your questions, answered


WHOM DO I CONTACT (back to top)


How do I report a power outage?

Call LCEC 239.656.2300

How do I report a streetlight that is out?

Call LCEC 239.656.2300. You will need the numbers that are on the pole or the closet street address. You may also use the LCEC website.


How do I report a suspicious activity?

All calls should be made to the Lee County Sheriff office at 239.477.1000.


If I need law enforcement-NON-EMERGENCY, whom do I call?

All calls should be made to 239.477.1000.


If someone’s dog or cat is running free, to whom do I report this?

If you know the owner of the dog or cat please call them directly. If not you can call the Lee County Animal Services at 239.533.7387


My neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking, to whom do I report this?

Try calling your neighbor directly. Perhaps they are both out and do not realize the dog is continuously barking. If they do not respond to your courtesy call and the problem continues then you can call the Lee County Animal Services at 239.533.7387.


Whom do I contact to get involved with the neighborhood activities?

Opportunities abound across both the HOA Committees and all of the Cape Royal Activities the community has to offer. All of which is listed under the About Us tab at the top of this page.  Please contact the chairperson of the committee or activity you are interested in. 



Is our community in Cape Coral or in the County?

Cape Royal is unincorporated and lies in Lee County.  From time to time the City of Cape Coral has made attempts to incorporate our community.  It has been established, by signed petitions, that our residents DO NOT wish to be a part of Cape Coral.  For that reason, Cape Royal formed a Task Force to stay on top of the situation.  Contact the HOA Board President for more information.


Does the CRHOA carry insurance?

The CRHOA carries the following insurances: Commercial Liability, Commercial Crime, Commercial Umbrella Liability, Directors and Officers Liability and Workmen’s Compensation.


Who is responsible for maintaining the common areas, front entrance, guardhouse and gates?

The Landscape and Property Maintenance Committee is responsible for the common areas, front entranceway, guardhouse and wall structures. The Community Access Committee is responsible for the gates.


When is the garbage and horticultural debris collected?

In Cape Royal, all garbage, recyclables, and horticultural debris is collected on Tuesday.  Cans, bags and containers should not be put curbside before Monday evening and put away as soon as possible on Tuesday. There is no collection on major holidays. If a holiday falls on a weekday, pickups will occur a day later.


For more information on yard waste collection, visit Lee County's website regarding Residential Yard Waste Disposal.


What days can I water my lawn?

Regardless of whether you water with a well or use Pine Island water you are subject to Lee County’s Water restrictions.

Odd-numbered addresses may water Wed and/or Sat, from midnight to 9AM and 5PM to midnight.

Even-numbered addresses may water Thu and/or Sun, from midnight to 9AM and 5PM to midnight.

Current restrictions can be found on their website or by calling 1-800-662-8876.


Whom do I contact to report a significant problem with the common areas?

Contact the Landscape and Property Maintenance Committee Chair.


Is there an emergency evacuation plan in the event of a hurricane or other community disaster?   

Follow the county procedures for hurricane evacuation.  Information is available on this website under the News tab along the top of the page.


Who do I contact to report problems with the front entrance gates?

Any problems with the front entrance gate should be reported to the Community Access Committee Chair.


I am selling my house and would like to put a For Sale sign in my yard.  Are there any rules for the size and type of sign I can use?

Yes, Cape Royal has strict rules.  Contact Artistix Signs & Graphics in Cape Coral (239-542-3354) to order approved signage.  You may put one in front and one in back of the property.


How do I replace my mailbox?

The HOA is responsible for maintenance and repair of all mailboxes. Requests for repair or replacement can be made using the online "Mailbox Maintenance Policy and Form" under the "Architectural Review Board,” committee page found under the About Us tab along the top of the page.



What are my obligations in a deed-restricted community?

All property owners, family and guests must conform to all the rules and regulations set forth by the CRHOA Declarations of Covenants, Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws which can be found on this website.


How can I get copies of the HOA documents?

These documents are in the website.  Go to the About Us tab at the top of the page and click on HOA Committees in the drop down box.  Then click on the Covenants and Governing Documents Committee link.  This will bring up a list of each document. Click on the document you want to read. These can also be printed from there if you wish to have a hard copy of them.


Why did I receive a violation letter?

Violation letters are sent to you because you are not in compliance with the rules and regulations set forth in our community’s governing documents. The letter will state the violation and the timing in which you have to comply before a second violation letter is sent out.


Do all violations warrant a letter?

In most cases if this is a first time violation you will receive a courtesy note or call about the violation before a formal letter is sent.


I received a violation letter, but the violation does not exist?

If you received a violation letter that you believe does not belong to you please notify the Covenant Committee at



Can I install a satellite dish or wireless network antenna?

Only small satellite dishes are allowed and they must be concealed as much as possible from public view.


May I park my boat, sports equipment, RV, trailer or similar vehicle on the street or driveway?   

Boats, motor homes and campers are not permitted in excess of seventy-two hours in the driveways. They may be parked in the garage.


Can I park my car or truck on the street?

Trucks one ton or larger may not be parked in the community. Personal use trucks may be parked in the driveway. Vehicles may not be parked in the driveway in a manner that extends into the street. Vehicles may not be parked on the grass or common areas.


I have visitors coming, where should they park?

Visitors should park in your driveway if possible.  If additional space is needed, you may want to ask a neighbor to use some of their driveway space temporarily.


How do I report a violation of the rules and regulations?

Violation should be sent to the Covenant Committee at  Please include your name, date and explain the violation that you are reporting.

HOA ASSESSMENTS (back to top)


How much is the HOA assessment?

As of January 2022, the HOA annual assessment is $1100 plus $295 directed assessment for golf course purchase debt retirement.  


When do I pay the assessment?

Invoices are sent out in late December, payable in thirty (30) days.


What are the assessments used for?

The assessments are used for general administration of the community affairs, (i.e. office expenses, legal, insurances etc.) operational maintenance, (i.e. all common area maintenance including landscaping and irrigation of common areas, guardhouse, walls, roads, gates etc.) and utilities (i.e. street lighting, phone service at guardhouse etc.).


Will the Board ever raise the annual assessment?

The assessment amount is determined by the amount of funds needed to meet all financial obligations of the community for the coming year.  In the fall of the prior year the Finance Committee will ask for an operating budget needs from each of the standing committees.  The Finance Committee will review the budgetary needs of the committees, inflationary impacts, etc. and will make a recommendation to the Board for the following year’s budget. The Board will review the recommendations of the Finance Committee and, if the Board agrees with the budgetary expenditures, will put forward a motion for Board member approval.  The total budget will determine the membership assessment amount.


Will the Board ever impose a special assessment on the membership?

The Board may levy a special assessment to each lot owner for no more than $100 per lot per year to defray some or all of the costs of a capital improvement on the common areas of the community.


What happens if I don’t pay the assessments?

Any payment not paid within 30 days after the due date shall be deemed in default and shall bear interest (prime plus 2%) from the due date. A lien may be placed against said lot for non-payment and include attorney fees and costs. The Association may bring action of law against the owner or may foreclose the lien against the property.



Who are the Board of Directors and when do their terms expire?

The Cape Royal Board of Directors, along with their contact information and term limits are listed under the “Board of Directors” drop down tab.  


What is the difference between the Board of Directors and the HOA?

The HOA or Homeowners Association, known as the membership, is comprised of all home and lot owners and the golf course. The Board of Directors are 7 members of the association who have been elected for a 3 year terms by a majority vote of the membership to represent the community interests.


How do I get on the Board of Directors?

Each year some directors’ terms will expire and will require an election for the directors’ positions. Prior to that a notice will be sent to the membership to notify the community that an election will be held and that if any member wishes to become a member of the Board that they notify the election committee of their intent to run. You will be asked to include a bio that will be sent with the list of candidates to the membership for voting either by proxy or ballot. The election will take place at the annual meeting, which is held in February.


When and where are the Board meetings?

The Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse at 7 PM unless otherwise posted.  The dates of each meeting can be found under the Board of Directors, About Us tab at the top of this page. The agenda for each meeting is sent out via Block Captain emails prior to the meeting.  


What happens at the Board meetings?

Prior to the Board meetings the Board will put an agenda of items together that will be addressed at the meeting which includes some items which need to be voted on and approved by the Board before further action can take place. (i.e. large expenditures, new or changed policies, contracts, legal issues, etc). The HOA Board President will use Roberts Rules of Order to conduct the meeting.  This will be followed by a brief report from each Committee Chair.  At the end of the meeting time is always given to the membership to bring up issues or concerns that were not a part of the agenda.  Meeting minutes are posted on this website under the Board of Directors, About tab the following month, once approved in the next meeting.  The meeting minutes are password protected for residents only.  Contact your Block Captain if you need password assistance.


When and where is the annual meeting held and what happens at that meeting?

The annual meeting is usually held in February at a facility and date to be announced. The election of Board of Director’s open seats takes place at this meeting.   In addition, a report of each committee’s work and next steps is shared. A special report from our Golf Management Company may be shared, but is optional.  The membership is given time to address concerns and issues. The ballots are counted for the election of the directors and the winners are announced at the end of the meeting.  Once the new board members are announced the annual meeting is adjourned.


Within 10 days after the Annual Meeting, the BOD elects the officers and announces this information to the community via a Block Captain email.  Only the Board members may vote for the officers of the Board of Directors.





Why must I submit an architectural request?

The ARB was established to administer the architectural control set forth in our governing documents. (Declaration of Covenants Section 10.10) This is to ensure that the community maintains certain standards.


Where can I find specific information on ARB requirements?

Policy 600 is the definitive guide for developing your new construction or renovation plans.  An initialed and signed copy of Policy 600 must accompany all new construction requests and pool additions or other substantial modifications to existing homes.  Policy 600 should be reviewed for specific requirements for routine home improvement renovation projects.


What projects require ARB review?

All new construction, including pool additions, and enclosure (cage or fence) additions must be approved prior to beginning the project.  In addition, any change to the exterior of your home or property must be reviewed.


Do I need to get permits prior to any work being done?

Our community is under Lee County permitting. The homeowner or contractor is responsible for obtaining the necessary permits before commencing work.


When will my request be approved and how do I hear back from the ARB?

The ARB meets the second Monday of every month and all projects received since the last regular meeting will be reviewed.  You will receive email, snail mail or phone call notification within a few days.  If you do not receive an answer within 3 business days from the meeting, contact the chair.


Do I need approval to build a swimming pool?

Yes, you must submit a request for review,  which includes the detailed plan showing placement of the pool and equipment, solar panels (if applicable) and the new landscape plan.  The ARB committee must approve the installation of a swimming pool and you or the contractor must file for the appropriate permits under Lee County.


Can I expand my driveway/walkway or otherwise pour concrete in my front yard?

The footprint of your house was initially approved by the ARB. Any changes to that should be brought before the ARB committee.


Can I put up a fence enclosure to conceal the AC unit, propane units and etc.?     

Yes, however, you must first send a written request to the ARB for approval.  Refer to the "Fence Guidelines" in the ARB section under the "Architectural Review Board" on the HOA Committee page under About Us.


Can I use the vacant lot next to my property to stage materials for or access my project?

Only if you provide written permission from that lot owner and agree to accept all responsibility for returning the lot to its original condition.


Does the ARB need to approve my interior remodeling project?

No.  Only projects that affect the exterior of your home or property require ARB review.


What if I’m just repainting my house the same colors?

Even repainting essentially the same colors requires ARB review.  In these cases the ARB requests, at a minimum, a photo showing the current colors of the home for before and after comparison.  Color chips are preferred.


Does landscaping change require ARB review?

Minor tweaks to your landscaping or changes made to mitigate damage to structures from plantings do not require ARB approval as long as removal of trees does not cause violation of the 4-tree minimum requirement.  When in doubt, err on the side of caution and submit your request along with a detailed plan showing the final placement of all plant material.


How long do I have to complete my project?

Projects must be completed within 365 days of obtaining ARB approval or the required building permits, whichever is later.


Who is responsible for ensuring my project meets ARB requirements?  Me or my contractor?

Ultimately it is the homeowner’s responsibility to ensure compliance with all ARB requirements.


Where should I send my requests?

Requests will be received quicker if they are emailed, delivered or even snail mailed to the ARB Chair or Administrative Assistant as follows: 


Bob Mitchell ARB Chair 11866 Royal Tee Circle      561.213.5242

Rhonda Hibbert   Administrative Assistant   11966 Royal Tee Circle  239.558.5847

Community Info
Governing Documents
Community Rules & Regulations
HOA Assessment
Board of Directors
Architectural and Design Guidelines
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